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Groundup Leadership Huddle

The Groundup Leadership Huddle aims to build the leadership capabilities of those who are leading groundups. Very often, groundup leaders are "accidental leaders" - they start an initiative with a focus on solving a social issue, but realise that as their groundup grows, they suddenly have people looking to them for direction. They may not have been prepared for the challenges that come with leadership, and as their work evolves, they often find themselves struggling.

The challenges they face as leaders are unique - everyone in the groundup is a volunteer, themselves included. How does a volunteer leader inspire others to come onboard to work alongside them for their chosen cause? How does one volunteer motivate and influence another to carry out the tasks required? How does one listen and be supportive, while at the same time upholding standards and quality? How does a volunteer tell another that their services are no longer required?

Without the mechanism of monetary incentives nor hierarchy, groundup leaders grapple with finding effective ways to lead their groundup.

If you resonate with the above, you are not alone. Come join us and meet other like-minded leaders in the Leadership Huddle! The Huddle seeks to address and support groundup leaders through small, intimate gatherings in a series of 4 facilitated sessions.

Please refer to our FAQs here.